The phantom of exams…
As compared to the usual monotone of regular college days, exam days are the ones when we come alive. The slumber is gone and the realisation that we are ‘students’ suddenly strikes! The day before the exam is the most eventful. The first herculean task at hand is to arrange for the notes. Some are copied from friends and seniors over the phone and some are searched for on the net. The entire day goes in planning how to start studying. And before we know its night and less than 12 hours to go before we enter the exam hall!
In-fact the first realisation of the approaching ordeal comes around 12 a.m. itself. That’s the time to call your classmates to get that motivational speech on how important it is to pass the subject in the exams this semester/year to ensure that the fat pocket money we get keeps coming! After a 40 minute serious discussion with your best friend, you feel all keyed up to gather those books and shove them down your brain. You grab a mug of coffee, switch on that table lamp, open page 1, chapter 1, and just as you finish reading the first line… a yawn escapes your lips!
The rest of the night is a witness to the same scene being repeated every half an hour. Only with the difference that the motivational chats with your friend soon turn from coaxing to threats to angry outbursts! The first rays of the sun cause panic among the already terror-stricken student community. It’s now or never. Quickly we’re out of that night suit and gulp down that glass of milk. Rushing our way to the bus stop we quickly stuff all the notes in our bag while hoping to catch the bus on time. The journey to college is a mix of theories and flow charts accompanied with pushing and shoving from all sides. Meeting friends is a much-needed solace as everybody is in the same boat. Only that boat is headed to nowhere!
We quickly exchange verbal notes of what little we know. The wicked bell goes off too soon and before we know we are gazing down at the question paper. Three hours are gone in a jiffy calculating the passing marks needed, who is taking how many sheets and all this while trying to catch a glimpse of the answers of the guy sitting in front. Before we are certain if what we have written would be enough to cruise us safely to the next semester/year, the time is up and the sheets are snatched away. All this followed by a long account of who left how many questions and the only thing left then is to wait for the results to be out! The result day has horrors of it’s own as we prepare to face our demons ourselves. However that’s another story, another day…
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